Links to Kob (Kobus kob) pictures

Here are the pictures of Kob (Kobus kob) with links to the pages on which they appear, links to the full sized picture, and the description of the picture with links to the entry in iNaturalist (

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Subspecies Buffon's Kob (Kobus kob kob)
Benin Nature
Kobus kob
Two female Buffon's Kobs (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon), wearily watching us. (860k)
Benin Nature
Kobus kob
Male Buffon's Kob (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (909k)
Benin Nature
Kobus kob
Fighting male Buffon's Kobs (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (898k)
Ghana Nature
Kobus kob
Harem of female Buffon's Kobs (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (778k)
Ghana Nature
Kobus kob
Dominant male Buffon's Kob (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). They frequently stay just a little away from their herd of females. (829k)
Togo Nature
Kobus kob
Female Buffon's Kobs (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (874k)
Togo Nature
Kobus kob
Male Buffon's Kob following a female (Kobus kob kob, german: Senegal-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). He had just rescued the female from being abducted by a rival male. (687k)

Subspecies Ugandan Kob (Kobus kob thomasi)
Uganda Nature
Kobus kob
Female Ugandan Kob (Kobus kob thomasi, german: Uganda-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (791k)
Uganda Nature
Kobus kob
Male Ugandan Kob (Kobus kob thomasi, german: Uganda-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (997k)
Uganda Nature
Kobus kob
Close-up of male Ugandan Kob (Kobus kob thomasi, german: Uganda-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). (622k)
Uganda Nature
Kobus kob
Mating Ugandan Kobs (Kobus kob thomasi, german: Uganda-Grasantilope, french: Cobe de Buffon). All their mating takes place on the mating ground. (734k)

Links to Kobus kob on
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