People in Greece were generally friendly, if sometimes somewhat reserved. One instance of very friendly people was the encounter with the bee-keepers (see below).

Traffic was generally disciplined. In the cities traffic was heavy, of course Athens was a nightmare.

There were frequent signs of attempts of clean energy generation with solar panels and wind turbines. I saw this in Greece more than in any other country that I have visited.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

People in Greece

Two Women Relaxing Park
Two women relaxing on a park bench. (1157k)
Fishing. (1063k)

Roads and Traffic

Suspension Bridge Over Gulf
Suspension bridge over the Gulf of Corinth. (779k)
Closer View Bridge Over
Closer view of the bridge over the Gulf of Corinth. (785k)
Ferry Bridge Over Gulf
Ferry and bridge over the Gulf of Corinth. (658k)
Ferry Bridge Over Gulf
Ferry and bridge over the Gulf of Corinth. (722k)
Ferry Over Gulf Corinth
Ferry over the Gulf of Corinth. (1077k)
Old Steam Locomotive Diakopto
Old steam locomotive in Diakopto. (1319k)
Switchback Mountain Road Vikos
Switchback mountain road near Vikos. (1.6M)
Switchback Mountain Road
Switchback mountain road. (1312k)
Memorials Side Road Commemorate
These memorials on the side of the road commemorate accident victims. They were everywhere, I must have seen thousands. In some areas they were standing every 50 m (160 ft). (1436k)
Lot War Memorials Greece
There are a lot of war memorials in Greece. (1247k)
Small Trench Used Bury
The small trench that was used to bury fiber optic cables that brings Internet to every village in Greece. This trench was visible on essentially all older roads in Greece. (642k)
After Thunderstorm Road Covered
After a thunderstorm the road was covered with sleet. (872k)
After Thunderstorm Road Covered
After a thunderstorm the road was covered with sleet. (769k)
Close-up Sleet
Close-up of the sleet. (1319k)

Agriculture and Animals

Domestic Geese
Domestic geese. (1.6M)
Cats Everywhere
Cats where everywhere. (910k)
Cats Everywhere
Cats where everywhere. (1156k)
Dogs Around Well But
Dogs were around as well, but by far not as much as cats. (1325k)
Sheep Herd Black Sheep
Sheep herd with the black sheep of the family. (1447k)
Couple Sheep Herder
A couple of sheep and their herder. (1377k)
Goats Around Lot
Goats were around a lot. (1159k)
Horses South Greece
Horses in the south of Greece. (1.9M)
Orchard Bloom Megaplatanos Northern
Orchard in bloom near Megaplatanos in northern Greece, with the Voras Mountains in the background. (1289k)
Orchard Bloom Mieza
Orchard in bloom near Mieza. (1226k)
Orange Grove
Orange grove. (1.8M)
Olive Grove
Olive grove. (1403k)
Olive Groves Mycenae
Olive groves in Mycenae. (1489k)
Old Olive Tree Growing
Old olive tree growing over Ancient Sparta. (1.8M)

Bee Keeping

Bee keeping is important in Greece. We saw beehives fairly frequently. By accident I wanted to take pictures of a meadow with several hundred beehives. I was just taking a picture when the owners of the beehives drove up. They were extremely friendly and showed us how they take the frames with bees, wax, and honey out. They showed us one of the queens. We were extremely lucky, because one of the hives started swarming, ready to form a new colony. The owners got excited, they wanted to capture the new swarm. They put a lure in a nearby tree. I didn't understand what was in the lure, but it worked. The swarm settled in the tree. Once it had settled, the owners took an empty hive box, held it under the swarm in the tree, and just shook the swarm into the box. They put a chunk of partially crystallized sugar syrup in the hive box as initial feed for the new colony. It was fascinating to see in live action what I had read about years ago.

Meadow Hundreds Beehives
Meadow with hundreds of beehives. (1476k)
Close-up Entrance Hives
Close-up of the entrance of one of the hives. (790k)
Beekeeper Blows Smoke Into
The beekeeper blows smoke into the hive in order to calm the bees. (1.6M)
Pulling Frames Honeycombs Full
Pulling out one of the frames with honeycombs. It is full of bees. (1.5M)
Looking Queen Show Bees
He was looking for the queen to show it to us. They bees don't seem to mind being handled. The beekeeper said that he doesn't react to bee stings anymore, he is used to that. (1323k)
Close-up Frame Honeycomb Lots
Close-up of a frame with honeycomb and lots of bees. (1314k)
Newborn Bee Emerging Comb
Newborn bee emerging from a comb. (1.5M)
Bottom Larger Queen Comb
At the bottom is a larger queen comb. (877k)
New Swarm Resting Tree
The new swarm resting in a tree. (1.9M)
Shaking New Swarm Into
Shaking the new swarm into an empty hive box. (2M)
Decked Handling Bees Left
I was decked out for handling bees (left) and handed one of the frames with bees. It was quite fascinating. (1239k)
Two Friendly Bee Keepers
The two friendly bee keepers. (1.7M)


Barbecue Front Restaurant
Barbecue in front of a restaurant. (1365k)
Windmills Everywhere Solar Panels
Windmills were everywhere, as were solar panels. (677k)
Windmills Gulf Corinth
Windmills on the Gulf of Corinth. (755k)
Windmill Hill Solar Panels
Windmill on the hill and solar panels in the valley. (1085k)

This page contains 46 pictures

Here are the links to the other main pages on Greece:

Ancient Architecture in Greece
Ancient Architecture
Mythology in Greece

Page last updated on Fri Aug 26 09:16:34 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

People in Greece on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website