SEARCH APT COMPLEX Banner Search for Airport Records

by Dr. Günther Eichhorn

IMPORTANT: None of the data can be used for flight, they are for non-critical personal information only. The actual data may not be accurate, not be up-to-date, or they may be faulty to begin with. Do not rely on these data in any way. The FAA is the primary authority as to the "real" information for all information regarding USA airports.


In the search, the entries within one field (separated by semicolon) are 'or'd, and different fields are 'and'd. This means that for instance if you specify 'MA;FL' in the State field, you will get all entries with either ma or fl in the state field. This includes all airports from the database in Massachussetts and in Florida, but also in Madeira (Portugal), Magadan (Russia), etc (use the Country field to distinguish further).

Entries in different fields are 'and'd. This means that for instance if you specify 'deer' in the City field and 'deer' in the Airport Name field, you will get all airports that have deer in the city name AND deer in the airport name.

Each field accepts Unix style regular expressions. For instance the string


in the City field will find all cities that start with Bos (the '^' specifies that the following string has to be at the beginning of the field).

Numerical fields can be searched with relative numerical expressions < (field is less than specified value), > (field is greater than specified value), and .. (the range operator, field is between lower and upper limit). It has to be preceded and followed by a blank. For instance if you specify 60 .. 65 in the Lattitude Degrees field, all airports (with known coordinates) with lattitudes between 60 and 65 degrees will be returned. Specifying 60..65 will not work. You can specify multiple conditions in these fields too (e.g. < 100 ; > 900)

All input fields are case insensitive, so you can enter upper or lower case letters.

Credit: This database was first put together by Patrick Baudis, and then extended by Guenther Eichhorn.

ICAO or IATA Code:  
Airport Name:       
Runway Length:      
Latitude  Degrees:      North  South
Longitude Degrees:      West   East


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© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website